Performing more than 1000 cataract surgeries per year Prof. Findl is one of the most experienced eye surgeons in Austria. →
Private Practice
Sterngasse 2 / 19
1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 969 40 20 →
Number of Surgeries
Patient reports (video in German language)
"It felt like being in 7th heaven. My vision was better than all the years before wearing glasses. I am so happy."
"I can only recommend to have surgery early on and not to wait for too long."
Cataract: Findl No. 1 in Europe. In an independet analysis of the 14,000 most frequently quoted scientific authors, Prof. Findl ranks 1st in Europe and 8th worldwide.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2008

Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is Prof. Findl’s speciality. He is one of Austria’s most experienced eye surgeons and a worldwide renowned expert in the field of cataracts. Surgery is performed in a day care setting using only anesthetic eye drops.

Macular Pucker Surgery
During surgery, the vitreous is removed and the thin epiretinal membrane is pulled off gently. In most cases, Prof. Findl performs this type of vitreo-retinal surgery under local anasthesia.

Retinal Detachment Surgery
Retinal detachments may be caused by retinal tears. Immediate surgical care, most commonly under local anesthesia, is necessary. The liquefied vitreous is removed and replaced by a gas bubble after laser has been applied.

Macular Hole Surgery
The vitreous is removed and a thin membrane is gently pulled off the retina. Then a gas bubble is inserted to close the hole. Prof. Findl usually performs vitrectomy under local anesthesia.

DMEK / Ultra-thin DSAEK Surgery
Prof. Findl performs lamellar corneal transplantation using state-of-the-art surgical techniques. The majority of surgeries may be performed under local anesthesia using smal-incisions.
For a better understanding of eye surgery, eye diseases and eye examination procedures, Prof. Findl has produced several videos and 3D-animations.
Press reports in print and online media about Prof. Findl, his clinical activities and research.

Since 2013, Prof. Findl holds the position of general secretary of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).

Due to his intensive research activities, Prof. Findl is has been an invited speaker at numerous international congresses. He has received several awards for his scientific work.

Prof. Findl is the founder and head of the Vienna Institute of Research and Ocular Surgery (VIROS).